The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has announced that eight Closure Orders were issued on food businesses in August for violations of food safety regulations. These orders were made under the FSAI Act of 1998 and the European Union (Official Controls in Relation to Food Legislation) Regulations of 2020. The Closure Orders were enforced by Environmental Health Officers from the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Two of the Closure Orders were issued under the FSAI Act of 1998, while the remaining six were served under the European Union regulations.

The reasons behind these orders included several serious breaches of food safety standards, including evidence of an active rodent infestation, with droppings found in kitchen areas; failure to implement effective pest control; dead cockroaches in traps and flies present in the deli section; inadequate cleaning practices; uncovered bins filled with food waste; accumulation of dirt on catering equipment and floors; lack of essential hygiene provisions like hot water, soap, and drying facilities for staff; improper food storage temperatures; insufficient allergen information for customers; and a lack of adherence to a proper food safety culture.

Dr Pamela Byrne, Chief Executive of the FSAI, emphasised the legal responsibility of food businesses to ensure the safety of the food they serve. She stated: "Whilst most food businesses follow high food safety standards and are compliant with food law, inspectors continue to encounter cases where consumers’ health is put at risk through a failure to comply with food safety and basic hygiene requirements. These non-compliances are avoidable, and we have zero tolerance for any food business that does not comply with its legal requirements.

"Food businesses have a legal requirement to ensure the safe supply of food and it is unacceptable that basic procedures like handwashing, cleaning, robust pest control measures and storing food correctly at the appropriate temperature are not being properly followed. Food businesses must do better.”

If you require onsite Food Safety/HACCP training and certification for your staff, a Food Safety/HACCP system specifically designed for your food business or Food Safety advice, please contact SafeHands by phone on 01-7979836 or mobile on 0873823223, email or visit our website